Gearing up for Lambing and Greenhouse Start Up

First set of twin lambs for the 2023 Season

It is that time of year when the sheep take precedence at the farm. In a few days , shearing day will be upon us and we will get a closer look at which ewes are close to birthing. A set of twins surprised Rick on Thursday morning . The ewe had done her job and the lambs were heathy and nursing .

Because we have the barn for the sheep , we shear in January to prepare for lambing - mostly in February. Shearing now allows us to clearly "see" which ewes are close to lambing and makes it easier for the lambs to nurse without dirty wool tags to get in the way . The ewes can still go out and exercise in the barnyard but come inside at night and during bad weather.

Once lambing starts in earnest , it becomes quite lively in the barn. The lambs can creep in an out of the pens and have the run of the barn. They climb on hay bales , play with each other and cause general havoc. Once they get outside , they have "races" in the barnyard which are a lot of fun to watch.

While lambing proceeds , we begin the process of getting the greenhouses ready. Rick gets the wood supply ready because our first greenhouse is heated with wood. I have been washing pots and trays to get an idea of what we have for inventory and what we will need to purchase. Seed starting begins with onions, leeks and herbs the first week of Februrary.

Geraniums are the first flowers planted and, since they come from cuttings, the greenhouse fills quickly with the smell of wet soil and green things growing. It may be snowing outside but it feels like spring in the greenhouse at Intervale Farm.