The Season Begins

While we have been attending farmer's markets since April, our CSA season begins tomorrow. Each growing season begins with plans and hopes that often change for reasons unforeseen. Last year we had a terrible time with crows devouring our sweet corn as soon as it began to break through the soil. This year, while there was some damage, it's nothing like last year.

We have a great crew lined up for the season and so far they have been helping to keep up with the planting and weeding.

You may notice some small lambs at the farm when you arrive this year. We have had 30 lambs this season with 9 born just last week . Fifty new laying hens arrived on Friday and entered their new home thanks to Zach and Hannah getting it ready for them.

I have been battling flea beetles ( those tiny black insects that love to devour arugula, mustard ,kale, spring turnips, radish and kale). We invested in some new row cover for insects and I hope that will help with future plantings. Wire worms got into the onions so there will be fewer sweet onions this year. The storage onions are planted in a different location so they did not get infected.

Most of the flowers are planted and all the rain has helped to get them established. Sweet William bouquets will be available for the CSA tomorrow.

We lost some of the strawberries this winter, so while we will have strawberries for the CSA , we will pick them ourselves and have them available for you. It would not be easy picking for the members.

With a slight break on the heat and a little more moisture than needed , we hope to get more plants in the ground tomorrow and begin to look forward to a long and fruitful season.

Posted: to Intervale Farm News on Mon, Jun 3, 2013
Updated: Mon, Jun 3, 2013